HARP Direct Mail Leads

The recent changes to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) have made it possible for more homeowners than ever to refinance mortgages. The program has been extended and the qualifications reduced slightly. The result is that a larger number of homeowners will be able to keep more money every month after refinancing. If you are looking for eligible HARP households, then you will want to consider using the direct mail leads from Live Transfers®. These HARP direct mail leads have several benefits over other marketing strategies.

Target Only Eligible Homeowners

The actual eligibility requirements for the HARP program are very specific. They involve everything the loan-to-value ratio to who owns the mortgage. You could have a very difficult time assembling a list of leads who all meet the requirements for the HARP program. Live Transfers® does all of this work for you. They aggregate information from many different sources in order to create a searchable database of prospects. If you want to target HARP leads through direct mail, then Live Transfers® can pull out just those people who potentially qualify for refinancing and who match any other requirements that your request.

Direct Mail Is Very Effective

You will want to use HARP direct mail leads because this is still a very effective form of marketing. Direct mail brings your business into the homes of consumers. Direct mail leaves something real and tangible that can be present in the home when a person is making a decision about whether to take advantage of HARP refinancing options. This does not occur with brief online ads or isolated cold calls. Direct mail materials could also be passed on to other consumers in other niches over time. You should always include direct mail as part of your real estate marketing campaigns.

Avoid Wasteful Marketing Campaigns

Direct mail campaigns are very effective and have a good return on investment when the list of leads is accurate and pre-screened. Something you always want to avoid is blindly mailing materials to everyone within a specific neighborhood or city. This will increase the cost of marketing your real estate business by a significant amount. Using HARP direct mail leads from Live Transfers® can keep your marketing costs low and your campaigns focused on the people with the highest chance of converting.

Get Responses from Only Interested Leads

You will not have to deal with cold calls or other issues when using HARP direct mail leads. The people who receive the direct mailings are going to contact you when they are interested in taking part in HARP. This helps to streamline your business so that you are not wasting time with ineligible people or cold calls. An added advantage of this is that you will start to see higher conversion rates from the direct mail campaign because the people contacting you are already prepared to refinance under HARP.