How Live Transfers can Increase Commercial Loan Leads

Every lender that gives commercial loans is aware that the competition is quite stiff. Therefore, it is important to keep generating new customers in order to remain profitable. A company called Live Transfers® can assist in this area in many different ways. Here is a look at some of the methods Live Transfers® can use to increase commercial loan leads.

The first method is one that is used by all internet marketers. This involves placing links to appropriate pages in many different places on the web to drive targeted traffic back to the pages that can be used to connect the individuals with the service provider. The advantage of this method is that the consumers are already interested in the product or service offered by the time they reach the landing pages. The sale is almost made already.

Where Live Transfers® differs from other marketing firms is that they take these prospects beyond the point of being interested and convert them to customers ready to buy. The leads are then connected directly with the commercial lender’s representative by telephone to complete the deal.

In addition to the online method mentioned, this company also utilizes a variety of offline methods to obtain leads. These people are then screened so that only qualified customers who are ready to close a deal are passed on to the lender. This means that when the phone rings, the person on the other end is ready to become a customer right then and meets the criteria outlined by the lender for pre-screening applicants.

Interested parties are located through several different media, including direct mail campaigns, telemarketing, print advertising, radio, and television, as well as online ads. These consumers are lead to call the firm’s inbound call center where they provide information about themselves, their businesses, their needs, and their qualifications. This data is collected and used to screen the callers and match them with the right client. caller is then connected to the client to complete the deal.

This process saves clients money in marketing costs while increasing the percentage of new leads that convert to paying customers. It also increases the number of leads received on any given day by a huge margin.